
No. 10
No. 6


^Best Crime Thriller Placements^


By Myself

The opening scene is quite simple and doesn't give much of the story away. The opening scene instantly tells me it's a "Crime Thriller"...
The scene starts with a book open suggesting the character with the book is smart in some way. The names of people contrast this idea with badly written
 words almost rushed like and flicker from position and focus transitioning onto a black backgroup through each clip shown, the whole way through images seem to mesh/overlap and flicker position. which is  a very non-traditional way of  an opening credit scene but creates a thrilling atmosphere emphesised by the CGM (ComputerGeneratedMusic).There is then a clip of hands very carfully drawn suggesting a character with steady hands and a perfectionist which many "villans" are within a "Crime Thriller" as it would be a very short film if the murderer wasn't smart at dogging the police. the clips then flicker from extreme close up to some sort of mechanical device(s) representing his "tools" there is then a close up of 2 hands grasping a razon blade this is worrying enough to being with but the fingers holding the razon are dirty and morphed to look almost unhuman. The next clip is of an extreme close up of a hand putting a teabag into a cup which is quite inocent but imbetween there is a quick flash of an image. (below)

which is an absolutely disgusting photo of a persons mangled face! which makes me think, as the audience, that there may be a bit horror within this film.The word SE7EN unfocused and in small font apeal before it then flashes for a split second to massive very clear writing suggesting secrecy. It then cuts to shot's of the man taking a book and writing in it. Then there is a picture out of focus of a persons face with a red filter connoting death,murder,blood. there then is a series of edits of hands cutting pictures of people maybe a metephor for people he cut(killed) these is then a very quick, but inportant edit of an image (below)

Which makes me as the audience put two and two together "GOD" and "Seven" I get the general idea that the film will revolve around the Bibles "Seve deadly sins". there is then a cut to a close up of a document with the hand holding a pen marking over the word "PREGNANT" which may have an indication of whta will happen in the film.

Quick Note - I may have looked to into it but i found that in 2 flash edits the words C-24 come up which could mean this may be important in the film.

A pen then crosses out the words "intercourse" and "transexual" which gives an idea of the film being about sex/sexuality. The shot then edits to the credits of the "casted by" with an image of a man/boy having his eyes penned over suggesting that that person has been murdered and then jump cuts to the persons whole face scribbled out suggesting that person was brutally murdered. the scene then just keeps editing to pictures of people dead or with their eyes penned over emphesising the murder/death that will happen in the film. at the end of the scene the msuic picks up and these is a long take (for how fast the transition editing is) of the word GOD being cut out of a peice of paper, maybe connoting an idea that God/religion has been taken/removed out of the persons life, through the whole peice of music that plays in never any singing exept for this bit where a man says "You've got me closer to God" which contrasts on what is happening on screen.



Sin City
By Myself

This film is based on a comic book so it has an unusual look and feel to it and is a complete opposite to SE7EN but still in the same genre of a CrimeThriller. 

The Clip begins with a man narrating using a metaphor to describe the girl showing that the film is quite artistic. you think he is about to shoot her as he talks about her being like a "the last leaf on a dying tree" ,the whole time the audiences suspence is rising, as the audience we assume he is about to kill her, he puts his hand into his jacket (thinking he is about to pull out a gun) he then asks her if she would like a cigarette, the suspense that had built up has now gone. She is wearing Red lips stick and a red dress with everything else being black and white showing she is important in this scene, but also that connoting passion and lust.

 The non-diegetic sound of the music and the traffic with a silent sound of sirens occasionally showing a typical traits associated with old black and white movies showing it fits in the genre of Crime. They emphasis certain sounds that are a little like gun shots such as lighter clicks to keep the audience in suspense again through out the scene. He then holds her and talks of how beautiful she is and they start kissing which makes the audience question whether he is going to kill her and at just the right point you hear the gun shot with a silencer, he talks about the gun sound and then says he will cash her check in the morning showing the character as uncaring.
Throughout the scene they create suspense whether they heighten or lower it and i have noticed that they try to put the bit what people are usually in suspense for in the parts where it has dropped such as the bit where he kisses her.



The Usual Suspect
By Myself

The Opening starts with a close-up line of matches being lit and filling the screen. it then cuts to a mid-shot of a man lighting his cigarette with the line of matches creating a "bad-ass" character. You can see fire in the background suggesting that he lit it. The is then diegetic sound of liquid with a establishing shot of barrels showing he will probably blow them up. It then cuts to back to the man dropping the matches which then creates a line of fire moving away from him showing he is about to blow up the barrels. The flame then travels across the screen illuminating the man, we assume is dead, showing he is a bad character. The flame then carries on towards the camera thinking, as the audience, the fire is coming towards us. The shot then with a sudden splashing noise stopping the line of fire,  The clip then changes angle to a long shot panning upwards to reveal someone peeing on the line! This shot is to show this character as dominating and powerful. The don't show his face the whole way through it showing that the audience wont know who it is and films the sequences through things like you're spying on this man. When The faceless man meets where the sitting man is he pulls out his cigarette lighter (The us of lighters is also accuses in Sin City) The man who is sat down is always looking up at the faceless man showed in a mid-shot, emphasising the power the standing man has. When The faceless man pulls a gun the shot then edits to a sequence of establishing shots which also show that no one is around but also that the movie doesn't focus of the gore of the violence.

End Of My Own Research


Da Vinci Code

For the opening of our short film we have decided to do it in the genre of crime thriller, i have therefore watch the opening of a film in this genre, the Da Vinci Code. The Film opens with computer generated titles which lead on to a long shot of a dark room with pictures in, you see the first man running into the room but you can only see the shadow of the second man, this makes him seem more intimidating to the audience and represents him in mysterious ways, this mysteriousness is also supported by the hooded cloak seen later on in the sequence.

Then we see a close up of the weapon the cloaked man is holding, until the man pulls down his when the gun the blurs and we can clearly see the mans face but the gun is still in the shot. The camera then zooms into the gun as it is cocked, This creates a suspense to the audience as the gun is then not pulled but instead we see a pan view of the building seeing through the glass building as the first man in the suit prays to god, this gives the impression that the audience as being able to be god, in the way he looks down on the characters.

The camera then has a close up to the first man in a suits face, showing his worried face the camera then cuts to a close up of the gun, which is then pulled leading to a medium shot of the man getting shot. The sequence then parallel edits between the man who has just been shot slowly dying and Tom Hanks character giving a speech.



No Country For Old Men

The Scene starts with a black screen & a voice over from Tommy Lee Jones's character, it then switches from a black screen to establishing shots of a western landscape. The camera then pans to a shot an officer putting a man in the car. The sequence then continues to a scene in the station with the officer in focus while on the phone and the man arrested in the previous scene blurred in the background getting up off his seat slowly walking toward the officer on the phone, while the camera slowly zooms to the officer. The camera then zooms in on the chain of the mans handcuffs choking the officer although this quickly jumps in and out of the shot, connoting the chaoticness the of the situation. The camera then zooms to the face of the man choking the office, this allows the audience to only react the the emotion on the mans face rather than the police officer.

Definition of the Genre Crime Thriller.
By Myself

  • Crime fiction is the genre of fiction that deals with crimes, their detection, criminals and their motives. It is usually distinguished from mainstream fiction and other genres such as science fiction or historical fiction, but boundaries can be, and indeed are, blurred.
  • This particular genre is a hybrid type of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasize action over psychological aspects.

What do you personally feel is a suitable age certificate for a Crime/Thriller?

In a Crime/Thriller do you want the the Killer's face to be concealed or visible to the audience?

Do you feel it is appropriate to see blood in a Crime/Thriller?

In a Crime/Thriller do you expect to see more hand held or steady filming?

What lighting would fit the murder scene?