Preliminary Tasks

Task 1 

This was to just get used to camera filming and editing. which we think as a group we did really well in. We had specific instructions on what to film but let us be as creative as we wanted with what to do with them. The instructions was to have some one walk through a door, sit down, and converse with another person in which we did with all three and did it in a way that no one else did as much of the videos we saw were of people walking into a room sitting down and saying that the school was rubbish which we thought was too over done so we decided to have two Catering staff have a talk about prices.

Task 2 
The task was to produce a short clip where we as the directors had to think not just what the actors are doing but the significance of things in the background such as; Why is there a fire extinguisher in the shot? is it to represent something and if not then choose a different location. and what can you have in the background. This really made me think about our movie and actually putting in things for a purpose whether it is as simply as to make it look like the location (e.g. filming in a tool shed having the tools on show  or even moving them around so most are in shot to indicate they are in a tool shed) and not just saying "I filmed it because it was there" in the background and not just filming it as it is.

Task 2 Take 1 (fail)
We filmed on a sofa the exact same acting as the second one but we didn't really understand the idea at first so we accidentally filmed parts of posters and signs and a very bland white background. Which made the video not look as romantic as the second one.
We went to edit the piece and our teacher asked us questions of why we had things in the background, or the lake of things in the background. She said to look for a location more suitable for a romantic scene.

Task 2 Take 2 (final) 
We looked around for a suitable backdrop and found a really nice one on a victorian home with an orchard in-front which we found is a very romantic backdrop so we set up filming there and we thought of shots and what we could include in them so when we had a 2 shot we showed Rhys and Pete apart showing there "distance apart" metaphorically but we included the house in the background to show the scene with a bit of romance. At the end of the clip they walk into the distance through the Orchard emphasising their love and romantic appeal.

What do you personally feel is a suitable age certificate for a Crime/Thriller?

In a Crime/Thriller do you want the the Killer's face to be concealed or visible to the audience?

Do you feel it is appropriate to see blood in a Crime/Thriller?

In a Crime/Thriller do you expect to see more hand held or steady filming?

What lighting would fit the murder scene?